拉菲2在线登录注册提供了一个播客,将行业专家聚集在一起讨论与肉类加工行业相关的话题和问题. 我们的播客主持人和他们的嘉宾涵盖了如何创建食品安全文化等主题, 政府对食品工业的资助, 解决方案的集成, ERP实现, 和更多的!
AI Grading Technology for the Meat Industry
Welcome to another exciting episode of the 从农场到餐桌播客, where we explore the cutting-edge innovations transforming the industry today. 我们很激动地向大家介绍我们的客人, 塞巴斯蒂安•维多利亚, UBI meat是一家以先进的人工智能分级技术和自动化技术革新肉类加工的公司. 塞巴斯蒂安不仅[…]
ChocoSol Traders: Using Advanced Supply Chain Practices in the Food Industry
今天,一位特别的嘉宾加入了我们——Michael Sacco,他是ChocoSol Traders背后的梦想家. ChocoSol Traders致力于可持续发展,正在彻底改变咖啡世界, 道德耕作和生产. ChocoSol Traders offers an array of products, from forest garden coffee to stone-ground chocolate bars. They emphasize direct trade, and working closely with […]
How Aji is changing the Consumer Packaged Goods Industry
On todays episode of the Farm to Fork podcast, 我们激动地欢迎客人, Dyana Biagi和Nick Gonzalez, Aji美食产品背后充满活力的二人组. Aji Gourmet Products is renowned for its exceptional line of gourmet sauces, 腌泡菜, 调味料带来大胆, 正宗的味道到你的厨房. 对质量的承诺和[…]
World Butchers Challenge: Competing for Team Canada
布伦特·赫灵顿(Brent Herrington)是一位老板, 一个竞争对手, and a staunch advocate for everything related to butchery. 布伦特对肉类行业充满热情. That passion has driven him in his success as butcher, and in his drive to compete with Team Canada in the World Butcher’s Challenge. 在这一集的农场[…]
Enabling Mid-Level Leadership in the Food Industry
在这一集里 of the Farm to Fork podcast, 我们深入研究食品制造商如何在他们的组织中实现中层领导. 这是一个至关重要的话题,我们很荣幸邀请到国际促进组织的雅各布·里弗斯. 当涉及到帮助组织参与和[…]
细胞农业是一个几十年来一直处于食品界讨论前沿的话题 & 饮料工业. 然而, it isn’t just a buzzword and it isn’t a plant-based alternative to meat, 那么它到底是什么呢? 今天我们请到了. Yadira Tejeda-Saldana博士. 来自New Harvest的Breanna Duffy[…]
Hyperlocalizing the Food and Beverage Industry
Relocalize isn’t just another company – it’s a movement, 一个任务, and a 愿景 for a more sustainable and interconnected world. Join us today with the CEO of Relocalize, Wayne McIntyre! Relocalize明白,未来取决于我们如何管理我们的资源,以建立有弹性的社区. Relocalize的核心是……
Mountain Munchies – The Story Behind Enercheez
加入我们一起探索旅程吧, 愿景, and groundbreaking initiatives of Mountain Munchies, a company that’s been making waves since its founding. 我们这一集的嘉宾是布鲁斯·伯格纳他是一位远见卓识的企业家,创立了Mountain Munchies. 在这一集里, we’ll dive into the fascinating story of how Mountain Munchies started, 我们来看看[…]
拉菲2在线登录注册规模庞大,可能是一个复杂而昂贵的行业. 食品制造商面临着无穷无尽的成本,正在寻求如何解决这些问题的指导. 这就是BDC发挥作用的地方! The BDC has been helping finance the food industry for a long time. 建立了[…]
Innovation Disruptors: Unpuzzling the Food Industry
在食品和饮料行业有很多创新和前瞻性的公司. These companies are paving the way for operational efficiency. 该领域许多崭露头角的创新者正在成为可持续性和效率方面的开拓者. 然而, they need that guiding hand in the industry to actualize their dreams. 这就是CFIN的由来[…]
Using Personal Branding as a Catalyst for Corporate Branding
个人品牌和企业品牌是两个互补的概念,在塑造个人和组织的成功中起着关键作用. 在这个快速发展的数字时代,理解和利用这些品牌策略对于个人和职业发展至关重要. 使用个人品牌作为企业品牌的催化剂是一个长期的关键战略[…]
How Brampton Became the Meat Capital of Canada
宾顿市加快了其在食品加工业中的足迹. Brampton has also been called the meat processing capital of Canada. Processors in the city of Brampton are utilizing the resources, 知识, 以及城市提供的支持,以加速他们的运营增长. 在这节课中,我们请到了[…]
How the CMIT is Helping Local Food Manufacturing
谈到食品工业,有很多新技术和进步. Sometimes it can be hard for meat processors to keep up. The Centre for Meat Innovation and Technology, 简称CMIT, 是一家领先的研究和培训机构,专注于推进安大略省的肉类加工业. CMIT[…]
屠宰作为一种职业是可行的,令人满意的,机会主义的. 它充满了丰富的文化, 令人满意的工作, and an appreciation of what “Farm to Fork” really means. Our guest today is Troy Spicer from Fanshawe College. 特洛伊是第一个屠宰技术计划的创始人和创造者[…]
在过去的十年中,由于主要组织的进步,创新一直处于食品工业的前沿. 今天, the 从农场到餐桌播客 is excited to welcome Joe Lake from CFIN, otherwise known as the Canadian Food Innovation Network. Joe and the CFIN team have developed an eco-system called YODL that allows […]
今天,食品加工商获得融资的机会比以往任何时候都多. 然而,情况并非总是如此. 我们很高兴能与FCC就这个话题进行讨论. They’ve been a pioneer in financing for the food and beverage industry. Our guests today are Darlene and Clinton from FCC. FCC已经[…]
The Evolution of ERP Systems in the Food Processing Industry
The ERP industry has evolved rapidly over the past couple of decades. New technology and innovation have made ERP systems more accessible than ever. 您是否曾经想过,您的食品工厂是否已经准备好跨入ERP世界? 在这一集里, we’ll discuss how a processor can know if their […]
劳动力短缺问题已经成为一个全球性问题,影响着每一个行业. The Food Processing Industry is no stranger to these problems. 面对逆境,公司正在调整员工保留策略, 实施自动化解决方案, and other recruitment strategies in order to mitigate the issue. 我们今天的嘉宾是Laurie Nicol[…]
The term AI has been thrown around over the past couple of decades, but what does it mean for the Food Processing Industry? 在这期从农场到餐桌的播客中,我们将回答这个问题! Our guest is Ed Goffin from Pleora Technologies. Ed has worked with food processors over the past […]
什么是工业4.0? How does it apply to the Food Processing Industry? 行业4.0正在迅速接管拉菲2在线登录注册. 食品加工商比以往任何时候都有更多的机会利用关键的新技术实现制造过程的自动化. 在这一集里, 我们首先来看一下导致我们现在所处位置的各种工业革命. […]
How to Develop a GFSI Compliant Traceability Program
Are you still using a pen and paper system for traceability? Do you know how to develop a GFSI compliant traceability program? If you’re looking to augment your current traceability program, 那么今天我们就请到了一位很棒的嘉宾. Intertek Alchemy的Jeff Chilton在食品加工行业工作了20多年[…]
Creating a Food Safety Culture in the Processing Industry
什么是食品安全文化? How can a food safety culture help the food manufacturing industry? 让管理层和行政人员不仅为食品安全制定框架, 但积极地加强和展示它自己会导致一个有能力的组织致力于维护食品安全. 在这集《拉菲2在线登录注册》中[…]
Food processors collect data all across their operation, but very few of those processors know how to turn that data into profit. 管理层需要基于绩效的可视化可操作数据,以推动组织的战略决策制定. 我们本期的嘉宾是格兰特·尼科尔斯. 格兰特是首席执行官,[…]
People, Process, and Technology – How to Implement an ERP in the Food Industry
An ERP system can take a food processor to the next level, but the implementation of an ERP can be difficult. It often requires change management and the development of new processes. 许多公司试图采用ERP系统,只是在实施过程中失败. We wanted to get a better understanding of […]
Food traceability has been a hot topic over the last decade. 随着政府和消费者对拉菲2注册登录的强烈需求, 处理器不得不好好审视它们现有的可追溯性流程. 这导致了处理器采用技术支持的可追溯系统的显著增加. 在过去的十年中[…]
政府可以在帮助加工厂实现车间现代化方面发挥关键作用. 在我们的首期节目中, we dive into the history of government grants for the food industry, 美国如何?.S. 和加拿大处理拨款的方式不同,以及申请拨款的最佳做法. Our guest for this podcast is Alex Barlow, from Mentor […]